Tuesday 24 November 2009


If we talk about technology this exist since the man set on earthand during the centuries we have use it but nowdays when life is fast and we have to be very productive for the world is now a need.
Art have always been affected by technological advances and that is what let it be as varied as it is.For example if the painting
This year I had to use it much because in my workshop we make videos and photoshop, is focused on new technologies and the use we can make of it in art .
We work with problems of the 21st century and we try to give it a new spin .
I have been using a lot of different softwares including adobe premier pro for video edition, photoshop; photo edition, cubase;audio edition, fruty loops;bases creation and guitar rig that is a filter for sounds.

A few years ago I wasn't intrested in technologies as a way to explore the possibilities we have with it, even I knew just about small and easy softwares that comes with a camera or a printer if you buy one, in my past I didn't have a computer before 13 , I wasn't so expert even in easy office programs but al my technology knowledge started this year in my workshop. I had to buy my own personal computer because I needed to work with many softwares I' ve never used beforea and everyone there had one. They could complete the tasks very well.(in process)

In my opinion and according to my experience this year, technology can help a lot but some problems can happen and we sometimes depend much of technology to the point we don't know what to do if something fails ome . Some accidents I've had during this two years with presentaions and process have been technological problems, there is a grade of uncertainly while you use it, not always it works as it must.(in process)

Thursday 12 November 2009

Piñera, Arrete, Marco, Frei

Oh what a great topic, I feel really dissatisfied with all the candidates,I think my vote will be for no one because their proposals does not convince me. I see that politic years after back to democracy have been a disorder and thown the parties appart.The differences will always be there because humans have not the same ideas but we can look for agreements but now I see every one candidate and cannot find something that make me feel safe and say they are really good or they will guide the country in a very good way or if thoy will know how to continue the good benefits that concertacion have done. Personally I don`t want to see Chile stucked or moving back. I feel Bachelet have done her job well and she did something that is really useful, she was carefull in the times chile had a lot of money and saw the crisis as an opportunity to give all the kept money. In my opinion people in chile, people who does not have good education think the government has some functions that it doesn't have, they don't understand some elemental things about politic and some candidates take advantage of that point.
I didn't register myself because I wasn't interested in politic because I thought, and I still do, that they are not my taste and I won't let them (none)to govern.I think I got wrong my decision because I talked to someone about it and that person gave me very good reasons for voting , so I'm regretful for it, the netx time I will do that, now I know that a grain of sand can make a difference.

Damien Hirst says anyone can be like Rembrandt. But does art world agree?


Damien Hirst was very hard criticized for his last exhibition, for his paintings and because he have said that anyone can be like Rembrandt or as good as a famous artist from the past just working hard. The critics said that he is not worried about being a "decent artist" and just say things others don't agree.The thing is, you are good working hard but there are others that have special skills and ease for art.
I choose this topic first of all because it is about art and in my opinion is very intresting the discuss because it faces you to the figure of the genius in art, a figure that have been there for centuries,a very long myth or maybe reality.
To mention the article discussion I think with hard work you can improve a lot but the special thing maybe is what is in your head, you can be technically good but not as good in other things. I f you work and you have talent you will certainly feed your artistic skills, the wonderful thing is the universe that lies within you, the technique is just the way for taking out the imagination. No one can be like other, I think as ana rtist you should worrie about yourself, about being like you want to be or making the things you want to do not to compare yourself with another, everyone is so different and has different experiences wich modifies the way you see the world and the way you express yourself.


Saturday 17 October 2009

Chilean artists go to...

We are lucky to be studying at the Universidad de Chile but not all the things are right,the nowdays situation is that the building and the rooms are not appropiated for the class , sometimes,we have to adapt places for having better performances.
I think all the building needs to be redesigned except for the canteen and the auditorium, they are new and don´t need anything else but for example in my class, we need some kind of space for making performances, photos or vídeos and we have to do it the tasks at home at an unscripted studio. This is fun but sometimes oneself doesn´t have the equipment and the quality of your work is not as good as it could be.
The toilets in this faculty are not good,almost all the time there is bad smell and is wet.
Another point is the furnishings, the chairs we have and the tables are like the last things other faculties threw away and I think they have been there for many years, have been the same, never replaced for new ones.The things have been painted by layers and layers.
On past thursday I saw a room with pcs at the ICEI, and I htought we could have better computers with the programms as photoshop that is the singlest we need. People not always have the requests in their computers for having some kind of heavy softwares.
If I could improve my faculty I'll make a better library with more copies and a nicer place. Then , obviously the rooms will be built with strong materials and stright walls for workshop presentations, Big space for lighning, all these if people that use it could be able to respect and being responsible with what they have. I f we don't care about good things and destroy them will never have a good art faculty.

Monday 12 October 2009

Ireland agus England

If I had the opportunity to travel another country probably will visit the UK because there are two countries that I love; England and Ireland. One of the reasons why I love these countries is the landscape and the cultures.
Talking aout Ireland I love the strange accent and the irish, for me is a very difficult language and I think it is for everyone who doesn´t know to speak.I like too the celtic culture, the music is amazing and have the spirit of the wind blowing and the rain.For me Ireland is mistic because of its celtic mythology and the intresting and curious places from ancient religions like wicca. This places are extended not just in Ireland, are in the whole british islands like stonehenge or big stones organized forming strange roads or drawings through the fields, this megalitic monuments are from prehistoric times.
From England I like the musical life, they have many festivals and concerts of really good band not including that they have the beatles, led zeppelin, pink floyd, ironmaiden,judas priest, queen and all that historical bands that have made very important contributions, also the london symphonic orchestra is considered one of the best world orchestras.
Another wonderful thing is the architecture of the places, the modern and the ancient, I think it reflex moments of history and takes you through the time.
The only thing I don't like is the weather, is almost all the time cloudy and rainy, I hate the extreme summer heat from chile but I like the sun, I like when the sun appears.
PD: I talked about the uk and I din't count wales and scotland, these are not my favorite ones but I would visit them too.

Thursday 3 September 2009

Banksy in the gun sight: Banksy artwork painted over in Hackney


Banksy is a very well known artist, he paints on walls, he is a graffitti artist.Last week the Hackney council sent a group of workers to paint over a graffitti done eight years ago. People from Stoke Newington didn't agree with the decision, they were devasted because every graffitti was removed from the streets and the authorities never consult to the owner of the building that had the painting on, they said the tried to contact her. The responses they gave(the council) were "Hackney council does not make a judgment call on whether graffiti is art or not, our task is to keep Hackney's streets clean." And that is The point, they just make their work but don't worrie about the artistic value of the things, is easy to make a difference between somethin according to the landscape and well painted and that also has a sense in comparison of scrawls or messages that have no sense and just are done for people who want to scratch.

I would like to write about...

I am not sure about the things I want to write, my mind is still processing the information. I just know that my favorite things that could turn into a topic will be the music, some of the british culture, something about ireland, I don't know why but I love that country, emm...for my classmates, maybe the topic of music, specially things about tastes in every kind of situation. Obviously the first ting I think about is art because everyone here is studing it and we all have a different specialities so that makes it a very intresting topic.

Thursday 9 July 2009

Mr. Ken Robinson

Talking about education and the human creativity, Mr. ken robinson says that we(the whole world) must arise the education in a differeent way because the world is changing, and the information now is more available than before. The educaton for people now is not as far as some years ago but this system is not working for the actual times because it was designed for another kind of society and know it kills creativity when sould not do that, the education sould help children to find their talents. He took a very importat point about the early education and the orientation for children to accept the mistakes and not to teach them to be afraid of it and just teach them to be preppared to be wrong.This is important to develop the creativity.
He talked about the intelligences, the different caracteristics it has and how the education is only focused in a few kinds of it.

Tuesday 7 July 2009

Being honest I never worked before in a blog but I've learnt at least how to use this in a single way . I didn't enjoy this so much because writing the tasks sometimes takes me a lot of time but I've improved my english through this instrument because I'm forced to look for new words and pay attention to the things I'm writing like grammar, vocabulary etc. , this is one of the reasons why it takes me so much time because I have learnt english almost by myself, watching english tv programms and investigating about the language.
I think making an english blog is a very updated way to work , is easier than writing down a paper, you make the corrections here, you can write one day and then continue another day, these are the advantages but, on the other hand the time sometimes is not enough and I think we gave this class less importance than the activities at university like daily homeworks that sometimesa are hard.This is the only disadvantage I see.
Blogs are a very good tool for learning, personally I have another blog where I post things related to music with two friends.

Monday 22 June 2009

The best man or woman

Mmm this is a difficult task for me , very difficult because I don't know who is the best in my area I don't have any special taste for someone but I'll try my best.
Well I think that one of the persons I admire nowadays is my professor Arturo Cariceo because he is very updated and knows a lot about contemporary art and things ralated with everything you can do in this area, since painting to unbelievable resources . He is always investigating and has created something he calls "invisible art".He has travelled around the world collecting knowledges for himself and the improvement of the education.

Tuesday 9 June 2009

My best future

Well starting from now I would like to pass my entire career and find a job to, to save money for my future because I would like to study music after this career, not in a university and to move myself into another place.
The years after 5 years proposed I would like to live in a quiet place, very natural where I could have peace and silence and if I wake up the sound of the birds singing will be the best thing in the morning.
I wouldn't care if I don't have big house or a lot of electronic things but one thing I could not live without will be my musical instruments and my pc with internet. One thing I dreamt to be since I was a little girl is to be a great artist and do my own work at home and this means i would like to work at home.
Related wih work I would like to be teaching art to other persons , I don't care if is at the school or wherever.
When I fullfill with all these thing I'll be a mother if I have a couple but all the things I've written can change along the time and all that i wrote could not be like I imagine, obviously I cannot have my future as planed as I said this is just an ideal future.

Thursday 7 May 2009

My favourite machine

My personal notebook always helps me with my tasks, I find it really usefull because I can use it in every place and moment(except in places where you know someone can steal it). I bought my own notebook one month ago and since the day I got it I use it every day because I think is the best tool with all the things I need for my art and also the things I want to find like books, programs or music but all this wouldn't be possible without internet.
I was thinking about mu life before computers , this will be possible but in a different place, not in a city where you need to save time and to be very productive but on the other hand life is not the same since the invention of the personal computer because everyone is accustomed to do some activities that makes your life easier like sending e-mails or sharing your information with friends. That saves you time you could not spend with complicated activities. If you have internet you can send information very quickly and every tool developed for writing, reading, editing, communicating etc. goes at the same time as the world changes.

Tuesday 28 April 2009

This year I like...

This term I like almost everything, I don't have a fovourite subject but I'll choose one for the task and the one I chose is painting with Arturo Cariceo. I love his class because he is very enthusiastic, happy and clear when he teaches,he is open minded with the genres of art and you can see him always doing multimedia classes. He has a lot of knowledge about the things he tells us.Is not a person you will see tryng to explain something he doesn't understand or explain complicated subjects with complicated words, his vocabulary and attitudes are very close to a person of 20 so that makes me feel comfortable.Also every class is oriented you to discover how to apply and find some theoretical concepts doing exercises in your work of art.
I have learnt many things about different kinds of art because in my class some people do things that I have never considered as a posibility of arts and it is good for me 'cuz I can learn about my classmates who are in 2nd,3rd and 4th. They can show me and help me with my presentations or doubts.

Tuesday 21 April 2009

And I want to learn...

I would like to improve my english in all the possible ways because I'm a great fan of the English culture, I love many things about the UK and if it is possible I'll go there.
I'm not so good writing and when I try to speak, sometimes ,I'm nervious. Another thing I'd like to learn is to improve my vocabulary in daily expressions.


My name is Daniela hahaha and I study painting with Francisco Brugnoli and Arturo Cariceo, now I'm working in my sound performances there. In my family three of us are artists; my sister studies percussion at Universidad de Chile and my dad is an harmonic player in a blues band called "la blusa"but it is his hobbie.
I like to play several instruments and have fun with my friends doing hilarious recordings or going places we like.